Use "pretext|pretexts" in a sentence

1. He just needed a pretext.

2. Today, opposers likewise look for a pretext.

3. The incident provided the pretext for war.

4. One pretext disposed of, McClellan found another.

5. He'll phone on some pretext or other.

6. 1 The incident provided the pretext for war.

7. He considered inventing some pretext for calling her.

8. 8 John left early under the pretext of illness.

9. 7 He cheated me under the pretext of friendship.

10. He stayed away on the pretext of ill health.

11. He didn't attend that meeting under the pretext of sickness.

12. They wanted a pretext for subduing the region by force.

13. Every adverse employment decision is a pretext for litigation.

14. 6 He stayed away under the pretext of ill health.

15. I called her on the pretext of needing more information.

16. He keeps popping into my office on the slightest pretext.

17. Be careful not to give him a pretext to report you.

18. 2 He didn't attend that meeting under the pretext of sickness.

19. Soon, housewives started roaming the city under the pretext of shopping.

20. The border dispute was used as a pretext for military intervention.

21. This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections.

22. He absented himself from the meeting on the pretext of illness.

23. 28 This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections.

24. He used his research as a pretext for travelling to Hungary.

25. We'll have to find a pretext for not going to the party.

26. I lingered, on the pretext of finishing half a glass of champagne.

27. The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area.

28. They no longer supply pretexts for local bullies to oppress, nor reason for western governments to turn a blind eye.

29. 23 They no longer supply pretexts for local bullies to oppress,[] nor reason for western governments to turn a blind eye.

30. The economic recession gave lawmakers a Convenient pretext for passing the bill

31. Some common synonyms of Apology are alibi, apologia, excuse, plea, and pretext

32. 11 This provided a pretext for the authorities to cancel the elections.

33. He used his headache as a pretext for not going to school.

34. He came to see me on the pretext of asking my advice.

35. 25 However, this can not be used as a pretext to justify inertia.

36. He used his sore finger as a pretext for not going to school.

37. 10 The US Government persecuted him under the pretext of various unwarranted " charges.

38. Tom called at her apartment on the pretext of asking for a book.

39. He would badger him about anything, often hitting him on the least pretext.

40. He got into the house on the pretext of checking the gas .

41. The cadres, under pressure, singled out alleged culprits on no pretext at all.

42. It was her pleasure her vanity to drag in these names on every pretext.

43. The authorities used this as a pretext to charge Goldman with planning McKinley's assassination.

44. He left immediately on the pretext that he had a train to catch.

45. People were moving more slowly and nonchalantly, without the pretext of a destination or purpose.

46. He disappeared into his study on the pretext that he had work to do there.

47. Second, the Vatican must not interfere in China's internal affairs on the pretext of religious affairs.

48. He used to spend hours at her house on the pretext of giving her Japanese lessons.

49. In 2017, police launched multiple raids on gay saunas under the pretext of pornography-related offences.

50. Sometimes they visited people in their homes on the pretext of buying livestock or grain.

51. 5 In a display of false holiness, they would “for a pretext make long prayers.”

52. 9 Under the pretext of travelling on business, ( some cadres ) go holidaying and waste public money.

53. All Bin Laden's rhetoric is but pretext for his malicious anti - humanity and anti - civilization heretic religion.

54. The aggressor troops marched into the neighbouring country on the pretext of searching for their missing soldier.

55. The Palmyrene army occupied Egypt in 269 C.E. under the pretext of making it secure for Rome.

56. 12 Cattle as a result of favoritism and bribery Gao, under the pretext of no evidence, inadmissible.

57. 16 I had been almost ready to invent some pretext for a foray to the northward.

58. 20 I had been almost ready to invent some pretext for a foray to the northward.

59. The accusations about the internment camps look to many analysts like a possible pretext for war.

60. This latest scheme to Concoct a pretext for war is a devastating self-exposure of the war camarilla

61. 4 The gang enters people's houses under the pretext of making repairs, and then steals everything of value.

62. Under the pretext of checking her identity(sentencedict .com), the man had copied down her credit card details.

63. Absurd pretexts are then added to that argument (complicated and completely useless obligations), and escape clauses which allow the professional associations to establish the necessary rules themselves.

64. some for genuine reasons of safety and few under the pretext of shelter want to indulge in undesirable activities .

65. 5 Jonathan Probyn called his wife under the pretext of having a problem with one of their children.

66. He can't recall the man's story but clearly it was a pretext for his accomplice to search the house.

67. "Most remarkable," murmured Tarzan, Cudgeling his brain for some pretext upon which to turn the subject.

68. 3 Under the pretext of checking her identity,( the man had copied down her credit card details.

69. On the contrary, it made him feel “weary” because, among other things, they themselves were dealing treacherously with their wives who had grown old, divorcing them on the flimsiest of pretexts.

70. He presented himself to Robert Guiscard who used him as a pretext to launch his invasion of the Byzantine Empire.

71. In 1375 Bedlam became a royal hospital, taken by the crown on the pretext that it was an alien priory

72. No constituency should be allowed to have an extraordinarily small electorate on the pretext that it comprises widely dispersed and isolated communities.

73. 1 He came to see me on/under the pretext of asking my advice when he really wanted to borrow money.

74. Both of George's parents committed adultery, and in 1694 their marriage was dissolved on the pretext that Sophia had abandoned her husband.

75. Opposition leaders are afraid to give Milosevic the pretext to use more brutality and proclaim martial law or something along those lines.

76. In the pretext of so called atrocities done by Brahmins, reservationist propoganda is going on, now looks like film industry is on radar

77. We have it. The smoking gun. The evidence. The potential weapon of mass destruction we have been looking for as our pretext of invading Iraq.

78. 11 The important ways of impairment of citizen's property include conduct under the pretext of public interests, maladministration, remissness of duty, misuse of authority.

79. Under the pretext of the doctrine of ‘the divine right of kings,’ the clergy have claimed to be the essential intermediary between the rulers and God.

80. The title of the book, "Brushwork for the Oil Painter", is really just a pretext for writing another book about how to paint in oils outdoors